Tuesday, May 14, 2013


It was a hot summer evening like every evening in our humid perspiring town.

The kids had all gathered together with their ever concerned parents at the sparkling cool swimming pool.The fluorescent trunks and sun tan lotion applied bodies glistened in the tropical sun. The reflection of the sun rays created a sweet sparkler like effect in the pool.

The wet kids swam across the length of the pool like dolphins to the sounds of their intermittently clapping parents who simultaneously managed to click their snaps with their ubiquitous cell phones.Some chubby kids lazed around the shallow corner like lazy hippos.

A colourful ball was splashed around the water amidst the cheerful laughter of the kids.

A small kid stayed at the fence of the pool with an anxious look in his eyes and a slight anticipatory tremble in his skinny knees. His clothes were non fluoroscent and faded with repeated usage.His sallow eyes expressed an intense desire to immerse himself in the pool.

The swimming coach stared at him sternly and shooed him away from the pool. He got a nod of approval from the concerned parents. The coach proudly ambled around the pool with a swagger. This action was probably uncalled for and certainly a bitter one in my eyes.

The small kid at the fence was the son of a maid who used to work in our building. She always mentioned that her son had an avidity for water and would love spending hours in the small aluminium tub in their shanty. The maid tried to console her crying son that one day he would swim too, probably in a larger pool.

The kid left our building compound with dry feet and wet eyes.

The rains followed soon swarming their shanty with dirt and filth.

God answered his prayers in a cruel way......